McCrystaloz: Mooring in Goring.
McCrystaloz: Mellow Yellow_Daisy.
McCrystaloz: Walk this way...
McCrystaloz: Foot fetishism..
McCrystaloz: Tekapo from Mount John Observatory_06.15
McCrystaloz: Tekepo_Church.06.15
McCrystaloz: "It's the Square over there dear !"
McCrystaloz: 'Temenos
McCrystaloz: Mute Swan
McCrystaloz: Buzzy Bee
McCrystaloz: Nambung Glasses
McCrystaloz: 'Nambung'...or Crooked.
McCrystaloz: Supermoon behind Grasstree
McCrystaloz: Blue Moon Harvest (Supermoon)
McCrystaloz: Sunset Silhouette
McCrystaloz: Drying Out time...
McCrystaloz: South Perth Foreshore
McCrystaloz: Perth CBD
McCrystaloz: South Perth Foreshore
McCrystaloz: Honey Bee
McCrystaloz: Synchronised Feeding
McCrystaloz: Was I Dreaming...
McCrystaloz: Bloomingdale
McCrystaloz: Looking out to Sea
McCrystaloz: Catch of the Day
McCrystaloz: Admiral Butterfly II
McCrystaloz: For our Transgressions...
McCrystaloz: Go West young man...
McCrystaloz: Saltburn Surf
McCrystaloz: Hexham Abbey, Northumberland