BobOsborn: Civilised stuff, this walking lark
BobOsborn: Main paths at Crowcombe Park Gate
BobOsborn: Quantocks looking south
BobOsborn: Carolyn complaining about the cold
BobOsborn: Quantock Ponies
BobOsborn: Quantock Ponies
BobOsborn: Quantock Ponies and Carolyn
BobOsborn: Bob on the Quantocks
BobOsborn: Carolyn at the Trig Point
BobOsborn: View north to Severn estuary and South Wales
BobOsborn: Quantocks - general view to Bristol Channel
BobOsborn: Still moaning about the cold!
BobOsborn: Erica cinerea (Bell Heather) - 10 - flower spikes
BobOsborn: Quantock Pony
BobOsborn: Carolyn and Quantock Pony
BobOsborn: Quantock Ponies
BobOsborn: Bob on the Quantocks
BobOsborn: Speed Marching
BobOsborn: Crowcombe Park Gate looking south
BobOsborn: Quantock Ponies
BobOsborn: Foxglove
BobOsborn: Ulex gallii (Western Gorse) - 3 - flowers
BobOsborn: It must be warmer - the hood is off!
BobOsborn: ...and it gets warm.
BobOsborn: Crowcombe Park Gate
BobOsborn: Northeast from Thorncombe Hill
BobOsborn: South from Thorncombe Hill
BobOsborn: Westnorthwest to Minehead from Thorncombe Hill
BobOsborn: North from Thorncombe Hill