ebonnyblakey: 1/365. Driving. Snoozing.
ebonnyblakey: 2/365. Experimenting with light and shadows today.
ebonnyblakey: 3/365. Brunch at the St Regis today.
ebonnyblakey: 4/365. Today was a bit of a mess. At the last minute I went outside our apartment and took this. Not my best. But at least it's something right?
ebonnyblakey: 5/365. Bubbles and sunshine. What more could you want on a Tuesday morning?
ebonnyblakey: 7/365. I love Spring. I also love roses. Especially peach roses. The end.
ebonnyblakey: 6/365. Houston Texas bound.
ebonnyblakey: 8/365. At the farm today.
ebonnyblakey: 9/365. Lunch here today. Petrol Station. Houston Texas. The BEST!
ebonnyblakey: 10/365. Home bound.
ebonnyblakey: 11/365. At the swings this morning.
ebonnyblakey: 12/365. I climb these nearly every day. Thank you 365 Project for opening my eyes.
ebonnyblakey: 13/365. I've been getting into studying other photographers lately. I especially LOVE Vivian Maier and her self portraits. This is my attempt of a self portrait on our walk to the library this morning.
ebonnyblakey: 14/365. Windows. I have been drawn to them these last few months.
ebonnyblakey: 15/365. Light shadows and my littlest love.
ebonnyblakey: 16/365. A little lady bug. Running up a hill.
ebonnyblakey: 17/365. Slide. Weeeeeeee.
ebonnyblakey: 18/365. Running amongst the shadows today.
ebonnyblakey: 20/365. Peak-a-boo.
ebonnyblakey: 19/365. It rained today. So we played here. She loves the slides.
ebonnyblakey: 21/365. Our weekly visit to the High Museum.
ebonnyblakey: 22/365. 2 years today. Thank you darling for giving me and your Daddy the best 2 years of our lives. You are our everything!
ebonnyblakey: 23/365. The last of the evening light.
ebonnyblakey: 24/365. The sky was so blue today. So thought I should document it.
ebonnyblakey: 25/365. Golden tones. Monday morning.
ebonnyblakey: 26/365. Say "Cheeeeeese". Self portrait at the gym.
ebonnyblakey: 27/365. Another self portrait. I don't have many photos with me and my little one together. So today I decided to have a go at using the self timer on my camera. We had loads of fun!
ebonnyblakey: 28/365. Eye spy with my little eye. Something beginning with "M"... Monkeys!! 2 little Monkeys sitting under a tree.
ebonnyblakey: 29/356. A tantrum in the bathroom. Today didn't start off well for us. But things are looking up!
ebonnyblakey: 30/365. Dinner at our favourite tonight.