jvalentine300: Cherry Blossom (Evans variety)
jvalentine300: Begonia
jvalentine300: Alstromaria (Princess Lily)
jvalentine300: Mauve Lily
jvalentine300: Magenta flowers
jvalentine300: Green Chrysanthemum
jvalentine300: Burst of color
jvalentine300: Great Blanket flower (Gaillardia)
jvalentine300: Common Cow Parsnip Flowering (Heracleum)
jvalentine300: Wild Tansy, considered a nasty weed
jvalentine300: Wild Alberta Roses
jvalentine300: Merry Christmas
jvalentine300: Two of a Kind
jvalentine300: Primrose
jvalentine300: Hyacinth 1st day of full bloom
jvalentine300: Yellow flower
jvalentine300: Happy Easter
jvalentine300: Tea Rose
jvalentine300: Flowers
jvalentine300: Cherry Blossom
jvalentine300: Lilacs in Bloom
jvalentine300: Alberta Wild Rose
jvalentine300: Stinging Nettle flower
jvalentine300: Lone Viola