jrp76: Common Loon
jrp76: White-tailed Deer
jrp76: Common Loon
jrp76: Common Loon
jrp76: Common Loon
jrp76: Oxeye Daisy
jrp76: Sandhill Crane in Flight
jrp76: Sandhill Crane
jrp76: Sandhill Crane
jrp76: White Flower Center
jrp76: Familiar Bluet
jrp76: Fiery Skipper on Red Clover Flower
jrp76: Red Clover Flower
jrp76: Red-winged Blackbird
jrp76: Canada Goose Gosling
jrp76: Canada Goose with Goslings
jrp76: Canada Goose Goslings
jrp76: Canada Goose with Goslings
jrp76: American White Pelican
jrp76: Four-spotted Dragonfly
jrp76: Northern Cardinal
jrp76: Cedar Waxwing
jrp76: IMG_8712-1
jrp76: IMG_8701-1
jrp76: IMG_8687-1
jrp76: IMG_8663-1
jrp76: IMG_8661-1
jrp76: IMG_8646-1
jrp76: 2F9A8633-1
jrp76: American Columbine