mathiashollenstein: A sweet snowy owl on a old rock. Sadly in a zoo.... Snowy Owl Wildlife & Nature Owl Owls Nature Nature Photography Nature_collection Beauty In Nature One Animal Nikon Nikonphotography Nikon D610
mathiashollenstein: 3 weeks australia was awesome. But after weeks of travel i feel like this koala in the Otway National Park, tired and overwhelmed by impressions. Australia Capeotway Capeotwaylighthouse Koala Eucalyptus National Park Holidays Nikon Nikonphotography Nikond
mathiashollenstein: wild hare i a meadow.... best shot from yesterday evening.
mathiashollenstein: A intent doe in a glade. Seen yesterday eveing on my phototour.
mathiashollenstein: Going Wild! - Zoo Zürich, Allfarblori (Trichoglossus haematodus)
mathiashollenstein: Going Wild! - Zoo Zürich, Schneeleopardenmännchen Villy.
mathiashollenstein: Grosser Madagaskar-Taggecko im Masoala Regenwald Zoo Zürich.
mathiashollenstein: Steinbock! Look in my Eyes!!
mathiashollenstein: Spring in Switzerland! Gonepteryx rhamni Zitronenfalter
mathiashollenstein: Doe on a clade.
mathiashollenstein: Mönchsgrasmücke (Sylvia atricapilla)
mathiashollenstein: Peafowl in the Casela Animalpark, Mauritius.
mathiashollenstein: Sperlingskautz, the smalles Owl in Europe.