I. Alberdi Ezpeleta: ansar común
I. Alberdi Ezpeleta: ánade rabudo (♂)
I. Alberdi Ezpeleta: aguja colipinta
pascalcolin1: Woman in white
birdsaspoetry: Nankeen NIght Heron: Thumb Twidling
audiodam: Hot Christmas day
Bruno Conjeaud: Leopard by night (Very high Iso !!!)
gilgit2: White-throated Dipper (Cinclus cinclus)
gilgit2: White-cheeked Nuthatch (Sitta leucopsis)
gilgit2: Spanish Sparrow (Passer hispaniolensis)
Laval Roy: 1.26134 Merle lustré / Turdus serranus serranus / Glossy-black Thrush / Zorzal Negro-Brilloso
Rudy578: American Kestrel
birdsaspoetry: Gang Gang Cockatoo: Waiting
Kristoff3069: Goodbye 2024.
birdsaspoetry: Pink-eared Duck: Balance
Cam's Birds: Red-capped Robin
Cam's Birds: Rufous Whistler (M)
Cam's Birds: Yellow-billed Spoonbills
michafink: Wintergoldhähnchen - Goldcrest
pascalcolin1: Strolling
Chris Firth of Wakey.: Heading into the snow storm.
Paul McGoveran: Great Horned Owl 8665
twoblackcats.com: a broken heart
birdsaspoetry: Shining Bronze-Cuckoo: On Show
birdsaspoetry: Shining Bronze-Cuckoo: The way to Her Heart
ChrissieWhiffen: Black-throated diver
DaveSPN: Is That Mum?
Keefy2014: Black Butcherbird (Cracticus quoyi Ssp rufescens)
Keefy2014: Sahul Sunbird 1 (Cinnyris jugularis) female