ricklebaudour: Swallow-tailed Gull in Flight
Paul West Photography: Great Crested Grebes Two hitching a ride from mum. The other picture shows a chick receiving a feather from the parent. The feathers are thought to protect the stomach by padding the sharp fish bones and slowing down the process of digestion so that t
Der Biege: The lizard with the orange head
Frank Moegelin: Gewöhnliche Nachtviole
jmahiquesmeseguer: Sifaka de Verreaux
TurtleCat0330: Who can resist that face?
TurtleCat0330: IC443 Jellyfish Nebula
Ignacio Ferre: Colors
John A Ray: December 18, 2024-Z50_5791
TurtleCat0330: White-tailed Deer | Cades Cove
TurtleCat0330: Stellar's Jay
Frank Moegelin: Graureiher/Heron
Frank Moegelin: Haubentaucher/Great Crested Grebe
RJSchutDigitaal: Klaverblauwtje - Mazarine Blue - Rotklee-Bläuling - Cyaniris semiargus
TurtleCat0330: Tundra Swan | Yellowstone
Frank Moegelin: Kernbeißer/Hawfinch
jmahiquesmeseguer: Scaly Ground-Roller (Carraca terrestre escamosa)
TurtleCat0330: Tufted Titmouse
Frank Moegelin: Weidenmeise/willow tit
Ralf Hüsges: Turmfalke
Ralf Hüsges: Turmfalke
TurtleCat0330: Crested Caracara
billbjerrum: Ain't I cute ?
Frank Moegelin: Schwanfamilie in Beobachtung (Aktuell)
RJSchutDigitaal: Lantaarntje - Blue-tailed Damselfly - Große Pechlibelle - Ischnura elegans
Ralf Hüsges: Fisch mit Salat
Frank Moegelin: Spaziergang im Herbst
TurtleCat0330: Harris Hawk
Frank Moegelin: Sonnenuntergang