harrisfed: Duke of Edinburgh students from Aspire on their first field trip.
harrisfed: Duke of Edinburgh students from Aspire on their first field trip.
harrisfed: Duke of Edinburgh students from Aspire on their first field trip.
harrisfed: Duke of Edinburgh students from Aspire on their first field trip.
harrisfed: Duke of Edinburgh students from Aspire on their first field trip.
harrisfed: Duke of Edinburgh students from Aspire on their first field trip.
harrisfed: Mixed tag rugby tournament hosted at Harris Beckenham.
harrisfed: Year 7 Rugby Team at Harris Beckenham - winners of the Federation Cup.
harrisfed: The new build is well underway at Harris Beckenham with 5 months to go.
harrisfed: Harris Beckenham Ski Trip to Italy.
harrisfed: A Harris Merton student has just run the Brighton Marathon.
harrisfed: A Harris Merton student has just run the Brighton Marathon.
harrisfed: Harris Purley welcomed the Box Clever theatrical company to perform a special road safety assembly.
harrisfed: Harris Purley welcomed the Box Clever theatrical company to perform a special road safety assembly.
harrisfed: Year 7 Homelessness Assembly at Harris Purley.
harrisfed: Year 7 Homelessness Assembly at Harris Purley.
harrisfed: Year 7 Homelessness Assembly at Harris Purley.
harrisfed: Year 8 Assembly at Harris Purley, led by TfL.
harrisfed: Year 8 Assembly at Harris Purley, led by TfL.
harrisfed: Easter Fair at Harris Primary Academy Coleraine Park.
harrisfed: Easter Fair at Harris Primary Academy Coleraine Park.
harrisfed: Easter Fair at Harris Primary Academy Coleraine Park.
harrisfed: Learning Spanish at Coleraine Park.
harrisfed: Photography competition winner at Coleraine Park.
harrisfed: Year 3 and 5 Children at Coleraine Park.
harrisfed: Science WOW! Day at Coleraine Park.
harrisfed: Science WOW! Day at Coleraine Park.
harrisfed: Science WOW! Day at Coleraine Park.
harrisfed: This term's prefects at Harris Philip Lane.
harrisfed: WOW! Day at Harris Primary Philip Lane.