CanonFire09: Children at play
CanonFire09: Historic item store
CanonFire09: Ginger bread house
CanonFire09: Oh Christmas Tree
CanonFire09: Mantles Decorated
CanonFire09: Wounded Soldier
CanonFire09: Reader to the wounded
CanonFire09: Grandma
CanonFire09: Grandpa
CanonFire09: Candle Reflections
CanonFire09: Gingerbread House
CanonFire09: Mantel Decorations
CanonFire09: Christmas for a child
CanonFire09: Christmas Presents from the Past
CanonFire09: Red and White
CanonFire09: Southern Lady
CanonFire09: Confederate Officer
CanonFire09: Cast of Characters
CanonFire09: Reenactors talk
CanonFire09: Sentries
CanonFire09: Carolers
CanonFire09: BORA Ladies
CanonFire09: Irvinton Estate
CanonFire09: Red and Black Paul and Paula
CanonFire09: Clark Moore's Students
CanonFire09: Hug Buddies