Wuzbug: Experimental Art, still life study. Brush and index finger swiping of the gouache white paint on the black thick card. Fish and a dish.
Wuzbug: Finger swipe effects. New sketch in white gouache on black card. Stage 1. To be continued.
Wuzbug: New sketch for still life painting In Gouache on black card. Showing comparison.
Wuzbug: Still Life Impression of Fish, painted In Gouache on black card. Brush and finger swipe work.
Wuzbug: Serious looking self portrait by jmsw. Watercolour brush work and finger swipes in Gouache paint on black card. Experimental Art work. Without glasses!
Wuzbug: Brush, and finger swiped white gouache still Life preparation sketch on black card. To be continued later.
Wuzbug: Experimental Art work. Stage 2 of still life study with two fish. Gouache Watercolour brush and finger swipes, and coloured pencil shading by jmsw on black card. To be continued.
Wuzbug: Steam Engine working it’s way up a Hill. Experimental Art work, by jmsw. Just started In Gouache washes and finger swipes on thick white card. Stage 1. To be continued.
Wuzbug: Continuation stage 2. To be continued.
Wuzbug: Experimental Art work. Continuation stage 3. Gouache and coloured pencil drawing by jmsw on thick white card . To be continued.
Wuzbug: Continuation stage 4. Study of steam train by jmsw on thick card. To be continued. Only on this site.
Wuzbug: Study of Steam Train powering itself up a steep gradient. Last of 5 sessions. Coloured pencil and gouache watercolour work, by jmsw on thick white card.
Wuzbug: Experimental study by jmsw on black card.
Wuzbug: Experimental Art Work . White gouache on black card. Brush and finger work .
Wuzbug: Just started. A study of a picture by Dame Laura Knight. Brush watercolour painting by jmsw. To be continued.
Wuzbug: Experimental Art. Brush drawing in black and white Gouache, on thick card by jmsw. Just for fun. Only on this site.
Wuzbug: “March Hare.” Brush only watercolour wash sketch by jmsw on thick card.
Wuzbug: Gouache Watercolour by jmsw on recycled black card, impression of Cornfield in Moonlight.
Wuzbug: Just started. Portrait of “ James Arthur “ singing on UK Television last night. Gouache sketch painting on 300gsm smooth card by jmsw. To be continued.
Wuzbug: Study 3. People walking along the Merseyside coast. Gouache wash drawing by jmsw on 300gsm smooth card.