twfowler: NGC2023 and the Horse Head Nebula in L+RGB
twfowler: NGC2170 in Monoceros
twfowler: N70 Superbubble
twfowler: NGC300
twfowler: M16 NB+L+RGB
twfowler: M16_SHO
twfowler: Dark Tower NirLHaRGB
twfowler: Swan Nebula M17, Sh2-45 LRGB and NB Enhanced
twfowler: M17 Hubble Palette
twfowler: M17 Bi-colour
twfowler: An Egg in the Dragon's Nest - NGC6164 & NGC6188 2 frame pano
twfowler: NGC6188_SHO
twfowler: NGC6589 L+RHaGB
twfowler: Gum39 in Ha
twfowler: Starless Gum39 Ha
twfowler: Be142 Dark Nebula in Chaemeleon
twfowler: RCW-50 The Whirling Dervish (or a Bad Clown) in Carina
twfowler: RCW-50 in Ha
twfowler: NGC3199_Ha