badgerbichon72: DSC_4297E Bull Riding scoreboard
badgerbichon72: DSC_4296E what does dirt taste like ( c )
badgerbichon72: DSC_4295E losing my grip ( b )
badgerbichon72: DSC_4294E should have stayed in bed ( a )
badgerbichon72: DSC_4292E Lucas Guilbeau
badgerbichon72: DSC_4291E Lucas Guilbeau
badgerbichon72: DSC_4290E Lucas Guilbeau
badgerbichon72: DSC_4289E Lucas Guilbeau
badgerbichon72: DSC_4288E Lucas Guilbeau
badgerbichon72: DSC_4287E Elliot Jacoby score
badgerbichon72: DSC_4280E Elliot Jacoby
badgerbichon72: DSC_4279E Elliot Jacoby
badgerbichon72: DSC_4278E Elliot Jacoby
badgerbichon72: DSC_4277E Elliot Jacoby
badgerbichon72: DSC_4276E Elliot Jacoby
badgerbichon72: DSC_4275E Elliot Jacoby
badgerbichon72: DSC_4273E Corey Atwell sclore
badgerbichon72: DSC_4271E Corey Atwell thrown
badgerbichon72: DSC_4269E Corey Atwell - bull rider
badgerbichon72: DSC_4267E high-jumping bull
badgerbichon72: DSC_4266E Corey Atwell - bull rider
badgerbichon72: DSC_4265E Corey Atwell - bull rider
badgerbichon72: DSC_4263E thrown off in the chute ( b )
badgerbichon72: DSC_4262E thrown off in the chute ( a )
badgerbichon72: DSC_4256E Where IS that contact lens
badgerbichon72: DSC_4255E Time to get off
badgerbichon72: DSC_4252E Tanner Bothwell score
badgerbichon72: DSC_4251E Tanner Bothwell - bull rider
badgerbichon72: DSC_4250E Tanner Bothwell - bull rider
badgerbichon72: DSC_4249E Tanner Bothwell - bull rider