dwy: 001 - Paro Valley, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 002 - Paro and Ta Dzongs, Paro Valley, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 003 - Paro Valley viewed from Ta Dzong, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 004 - Drugyel Dzong, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 005 - Close-up of Drugyel Dzong, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 006 - Pachu Valley (Paro River Valley, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 007 - Pachu Valley - patchwork fields, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 008 - Bhutanese house, Pachu Valley (Paro River Valley, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 009 - Close-up of Bhutanese house, Pachu Valley, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 010 - Bhutanese Woman sieving Barley, Pachu Valley, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 011 - Bhutanese Woman sieving Barley, Pachu Valley, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 012 - Ponies crossing river, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 013 - Forest camp at Soi Thangthanka, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 014 - Pony men eating breakfast at Soi Thangthanka, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 015 - Lichen draped forest on trail above Soi Thangthanka, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 016 - Wildflower, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 017 - Wildflower, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 018 - Bhuatnese Woman and Child, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 019 - Bhutanese Woman, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 020 - Mt Chomolhari (7314m) viewed from Jangothang, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 021 - Wild sheep above Jangothang, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 022 - Wild sheep above Jangothang, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 023 - Mt Chomolhari in early morning light, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 024 - Mt Chomolhari in early morning light, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 025 - Mt Chomolhari in early morning light, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 026 - Mt Jitchu Drake (6794m), Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 027 - Mt Jitchu Drake (6794m), Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 028 - Yaks with Mt Jitchu Drake in background, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 029 - Children with Mt Jitchu Drake in background, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992
dwy: 030 - Stark high alpine landscape en-route to Nyelela Pass, Snowman Trek Bhutan 1992