With Nicole: British Embassy in Berlin.
With Nicole: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels statue in Berlin.
With Nicole: Sculpture for freedom at Tiergarten, Berlin.
With Nicole: Sculpture for freedom at Tiergarten, Berlin.
With Nicole: 2017-03-14 14.22.58
With Nicole: 2017-03-13 13.30.04
With Nicole: Tolerance - Street art on the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall, Germany.
With Nicole: 2017-03-13 14.04.01
With Nicole: East side gallery. Berlin wall, open air gallery of art work.
With Nicole: 2017-03-14 14.57.46
With Nicole: Berlin - East German car painted by French Artist Noir. Famous for painting on the western side of the Berlin wall until it came down in 1989.
With Nicole: Art work on the East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall, no longer dividing East and West Germany..
With Nicole: French Artist, Noir has painted on this East German Tribent Car with his simple and vibrant design. Berlin, Germany.
With Nicole: A lavish room with a magnificent marble floor at The Neues Palais (New Palace), Potsdam, Germany.
With Nicole: Berlin Wall Memorial. Part of the wall is still up showing the divide.
With Nicole: The Neues Palais (New Palace), Potsdam, Germany.
With Nicole: All around Berlin there are reminders of the wall as parts have been kept up as a reminder of the history and divide of East and West Germany in the Cold War.
With Nicole: Part of the University of Potsdam on the grounds of The Neues Palais in Potstdam, Germany.
With Nicole: Berlin Wall Memorial.
With Nicole: The Neues Palais (New Palace), Potsdam, Germany.
With Nicole: Myself in Central Berlin with the Television Tower in the background.
With Nicole: Inside The Neues Palais (New Palace), Potsdam, Germany.
With Nicole: Three girls and a boy statue in Berlin.
With Nicole: Beautiful design inside The Neues Palais (New Palace), Potsdam, Germany.
With Nicole: Gold statue of Frederick The Great and his family on the top of the Neues Palais (New Palace) in Potsdam, Germany. For Dave and I it turned into a glorious day for weather!
With Nicole: From three girls and a boy statue in Berlin.
With Nicole: The Neues Palais (New Palace), Potsdam, Germany.
With Nicole: Three girls and a boy statue in Berlin
With Nicole: Old City Hall, Potsdam, Germany
With Nicole: Three girls and a boy, statue in Berlin.