mikefarley2: Io moth caterpillar (Toxic) Automeris io
mikefarley2: Lychnosea intermicata
mikefarley2: Forage Looper Moth - Caenurgina erechtea
mikefarley2: Acronicta americana - American Dagger Moth
mikefarley2: Sphinx larva
mikefarley2: Hawaiian Beet Webworm Moth
mikefarley2: Hawaiian Beet Webworm Moth
mikefarley2: Assembly Moth
mikefarley2: Assembly Moth underwing
mikefarley2: Arcigera Flower Moth - Shinia arcigera
mikefarley2: Arcigera Flower Moth - Schinia arcigera
mikefarley2: Drab Brown Wave - Lobocleta ossularia
mikefarley2: Drab Brown Wave - Lobocleta ossularia
mikefarley2: Woody Angle Moth - Macaria aequiferaria
mikefarley2: Woody Angle Moth - Macaria aequiferaria
mikefarley2: Estigmene acrea - Salt Marsh Moth
mikefarley2: Assembly Moth underwing
mikefarley2: Melonworm Moth with pheromone lure - Diaphania hyalinata
mikefarley2: Melonworm Moth with pheromone lure - Diaphania hyalinata
mikefarley2: Melonworm Moth with pheromone lure - Diaphania hyalinata
mikefarley2: Melonworm Moth with pheromone lure - Diaphania hyalinata
mikefarley2: Nice moth poor shot angle
mikefarley2: Chickweed Geometer
mikefarley2: Chickweed Geometer
mikefarley2: Fall Webworm Moth - Hyphantra cunea
mikefarley2: Green Cloverworm Moth - Hypena scabra
mikefarley2: Fall Webworm Moth - Hyphantria cunea
mikefarley2: Southern Beet Webworm Moth - Hymenia perspectalis
mikefarley2: Long-winged Dagger Moth - Acronicta longa