ewcronin: DSC00128
ewcronin: Mike and the fish
ewcronin: Grumpy fish
ewcronin: Catch that fishy.
ewcronin: The big tree
ewcronin: Photographers are a strange breed
ewcronin: I love diagonals.
ewcronin: Odd plants.
ewcronin: Little red flowers
ewcronin: Orchid
ewcronin: Peek a boo leaf
ewcronin: Amazon dreams
ewcronin: Ghost leaves.
ewcronin: Air roots, light, and steam.
ewcronin: Air roots 2
ewcronin: Air roots.
ewcronin: Avatar
ewcronin: foggy jungle room
ewcronin: Foggy day in the ole greenhouse
ewcronin: Little frog
ewcronin: Through the looking leaf
ewcronin: Steaming light
ewcronin: Garden of cones
ewcronin: Sad lady
ewcronin: Underwater glamor
ewcronin: Don't mess with Bill
ewcronin: Jellyfish gazing
ewcronin: Escape from Fernwood
ewcronin: Howdy there