GogyJen.L: ball
GogyJen.L: sleepin
GogyJen.L: fear
GogyJen.L: concert
GogyJen.L: some music..
GogyJen.L: “All religion, my friend, is simply evolved out of fraud, fear, greed, imagination, and poetry.” Edgar Allan Poe
GogyJen.L: “Life deals us all different hands. How we play 'em is up to us.”
GogyJen.L: music
GogyJen.L: portrait
GogyJen.L: drum
GogyJen.L: light painting alil..
GogyJen.L: "You may delay, but time will not"..
GogyJen.L: Flower..
GogyJen.L: stand in line.
GogyJen.L: both "wheels" have to help them...
GogyJen.L: old man.
GogyJen.L: smokin alone.
GogyJen.L: alone in the bus station
GogyJen.L: that kid..
GogyJen.L: random guy putting flag
GogyJen.L: before and after ;)
GogyJen.L: surf
GogyJen.L: date on the sunset
GogyJen.L: double date
GogyJen.L: never too young to be a mom ha?
GogyJen.L: and now..we attack haifa
GogyJen.L: that look.
GogyJen.L: haifa