Just*(v)Lasta: cannot hide
Just*(v)Lasta: never be like you
Just*(v)Lasta: will never leave you...
Just*(v)Lasta: sing to the moon, and the stars will shine
Just*(v)Lasta: reaching for the little moon
Just*(v)Lasta: to have and to hold, till..
Just*(v)Lasta: She had never imagined that
Just*(v)Lasta: closeness
Just*(v)Lasta: here..give, receive
Just*(v)Lasta: revealing of dreams
Just*(v)Lasta: Fly Away With Me
Just*(v)Lasta: Fly Away
Just*(v)Lasta: let's dance
Just*(v)Lasta: if I showed you...
Just*(v)Lasta: under my palm
Just*(v)Lasta: can you feel my fingertips
Just*(v)Lasta: when you get closer
Just*(v)Lasta: holding down/taking care
Just*(v)Lasta: feeding my hands with memories
Just*(v)Lasta: parts of a bigger picture
Just*(v)Lasta: just a dream
Just*(v)Lasta: how to love the world
Just*(v)Lasta: back end dreams
Just*(v)Lasta: pain spot
Just*(v)Lasta: a drop of spring
Just*(v)Lasta: following hand