seanwalsh4: "Comma Butterfly"
seanwalsh4: Small Heath Butterfly
seanwalsh4: "Nectar"
seanwalsh4: "Time to share" (in the beauty of nature)
seanwalsh4: " Comma Butterfly "
seanwalsh4: Speckled wood (Loved-up)
seanwalsh4: Speckled Wood butterfly warming up in the Spring sunshine.
seanwalsh4: Peacock Butterfly
seanwalsh4: Bath white butterfly, a rare immigrant to our shores, first one I have ever seen, in my garden ..... Easter Joy. You build it they will come springs to mind, or should that be plant it .... Love & Peace 💖
seanwalsh4: What butterfly is this with it's wings closed? Well if you don't know take a look at my other butterfly image that I uploaded recently.It may give you a clue! 😂
seanwalsh4: Comma
seanwalsh4: Meadow Brown
seanwalsh4: Speckled Wood
seanwalsh4: Small tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) (please read my poetry)
seanwalsh4: Comma butterfly (Polygonia c-album) (Please read my poetry)
seanwalsh4: Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) (Please read my poetry)
seanwalsh4: Comma butterfly (Polygonia c-album) (Please read my poetry)
seanwalsh4: "Perfect landing"