seanwalsh4: "Between the Eyes"
seanwalsh4: Bottoms Up
seanwalsh4: "You hum it i'll play it"
seanwalsh4: "Oliver"
seanwalsh4: "The passion of a donald duck lookalike"
seanwalsh4: "Bee Happy"
seanwalsh4: The spider and the fly
seanwalsh4: "Scrapyard intruder" (White Rhino)
seanwalsh4: "Stick Um Up"
seanwalsh4: "Power Shower"
seanwalsh4: "Bay leaf goodtime gal"
seanwalsh4: " I'm off "
seanwalsh4: Crazy Quackers
seanwalsh4: "Spike" (The red hedgehog) SoS 03/02/2018
seanwalsh4: "Bunny Love"
seanwalsh4: Moorhen Madness
seanwalsh4: Happy Satsuma
seanwalsh4: 'Unusual Scream spider'
seanwalsh4: "Quack" "A Ghost " 2016