kimmyridley: “I hope you will be a warrior and fierce for change so all can live.” – Meridel Le Sueur
kimmyridley: “There is beauty laced within this day, be courageous enough to find it, be kind enough to share it, and at the end of the day, be wise enough to let it go.”
kimmyridley: Happy New Year 2023!
kimmyridley: “And you can wear my sweatshirt~” ― J Steinbeck
kimmyridley: “Christmas is a condition of the heart,” she continued, and as she spoke she planted a hand over her chest. “It’s being open and sincere, generous and kind to those with less, or showing our love to those we cherish.” ― Debbie Macombe
kimmyridley: "This is the key to life: the ability to reflect, the ability to know yourself, the ability to pause for a second before reacting automatically. If you can truly know yourself, you will begin the journey of transformation." - Deepak Chopra
kimmyridley: “…there’s just something beautiful about walking on snow that nobody else has walked on. It makes you believe you’re special, even though you know you’re not.” ― Carol Rifka Brunt
kimmyridley: “The nutcracker sits under the holiday tree, a guardian of childhood stories. Feed him walnuts and he will crack open a tale...” ― Vera Nazarian
kimmyridley: “We are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmastime.” – Laura Ingalls Wilder
kimmyridley: “Children see magic because they look for it.” ― Christopher Moore
kimmyridley: “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” ― Søren Kierkegaard
kimmyridley: “A timeless classical love story our romance shall be… I'll paint it on vintage canvas cause your love transcends the realms defeats any measure of time and lasts forever. (fragment from "Utopia", chapter Hope)”
kimmyridley: “Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons.” ― Jim Bishop
kimmyridley: “I’d said it before and meant it: Alive or undead, the love of my life was a badass.” ― Richelle Mead
kimmyridley: “If I could tell you about Red I would sing to you of fire Sweet like cherries Burning like cinnamon Smelling like a rose in the sun” ― Dixie Dawn Miller Goode
kimmyridley: "I feel so lucky when I look in those green eyes." - Husker Du
kimmyridley: August slipped away into a moment in time...
kimmyridley: Nature does not hurry yet everything is accomplished.” —Lao Tzu
kimmyridley: “August rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time.” ― Sylvia Plath
kimmyridley: Sun, and sky, and breeze, and solitary walks, and summer holidays, and the greenness of fields, and the delicious juices of meats and fishes, and society, and the cheerful glass, and candle-light, and fire-side conversations, and innocent vanities, and ir
kimmyridley: “There is a kind of magicness about going far away and then coming back all changed.” ― Kate Douglas Wiggin
kimmyridley: “The long game was ended, the Snitch had been caught, it was time to leave the air…”― J.K. Rowling
kimmyridley: If it’s in your heart, it shows in your spirit
kimmyridley: “You were once wild here. Don’t let them tame you.” Isadora Duncan
kimmyridley: “Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and
kimmyridley: “Watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden..."
kimmyridley: Death has Lost its sting...
kimmyridley: Crystals amplify the consciousness. Shirley MacLaine
kimmyridley: “Books are a uniquely portable magic.” ― Stephen King
kimmyridley: “At least I tried.” ― Ann Brashares