rodriguezn6459: 1LT Thomas J. Jackson, Battery “K,” U.S. 1st Artillery.
rodriguezn6459: CPT William H. Chapman (left) and CPT Moses Merrill (right) of the U.S. 5th Infantry Regiment.
rodriguezn6459: American infantry on a street in Saltillo.
rodriguezn6459: CPT Samuel H. Walker, 1st U.S. Mounted Rifles.
rodriguezn6459: Sapper private, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, c. 1847.
rodriguezn6459: “Pillow’s Attack Advancing Through the Woods of Chapultepec.”
rodriguezn6459: Asst. Surgeon (1LT) Grayson M. Prevost, U.S. Army.
rodriguezn6459: CPT Braxton Bragg, U.S. 3rd Artillery.
rodriguezn6459: COL Robert T. Paine, North Carolina Volunteers.
rodriguezn6459: BG John A. Quitman, U.S. 4th Division.
rodriguezn6459: Brevet MAJ William A. Nichols, Asst. Adjutant General.
rodriguezn6459: “South Side of the Castle of Chapultepec.”