kennyuthecook: John Dyki and Claudine
kennyuthecook: Miles Ross and Mike Moon
kennyuthecook: Sherry Wilson
kennyuthecook: Kathy and Connor with Ansley
kennyuthecook: Mrs. K and Mary Landon
kennyuthecook: Prosecutor and daughter, Anna
kennyuthecook: Stephanie, (bailiff) questions the judge
kennyuthecook: Each one of these won a $1000 cash scholarship for college
kennyuthecook: Sammy and Lisa Helm
kennyuthecook: That pickle is sour
kennyuthecook: Sheriff Rob Evenson and me, Kenny Underwood Recorder of Deeds
kennyuthecook: Bearbowers
kennyuthecook: Kern family
kennyuthecook: Ann Parish
kennyuthecook: 288226099_5837129796316120_778947789257840549_n
kennyuthecook: Finally found out this man's name, Jack Smith
kennyuthecook: Toby and Jai
kennyuthecook: Sherry Cowin
kennyuthecook: Sherrif Rob and Judge John
kennyuthecook: Joye and daughter in law, Lisa
kennyuthecook: Sandy is afraid of getting too much food
kennyuthecook: Dirk and Nikki
kennyuthecook: Jerry and Faye get food
kennyuthecook: Dark Horse candidate for congress
kennyuthecook: Michelle Barker, Kim Bell, and my sister Dalana Fuller
kennyuthecook: David Bunch wows the crowd as auctioneer
kennyuthecook: Sandy Hughes is glad to see my sister Donna
kennyuthecook: Dirk buys flag art for over 100 dollars
kennyuthecook: Scholarship winners
kennyuthecook: Power table