kennyuthecook: Cooper not wanting pictures?
kennyuthecook: Brenda and Reese
kennyuthecook: The cabin in its better days
kennyuthecook: We're a happy family in 2014
kennyuthecook: Brenda and her late husband
kennyuthecook: Natalee Reynolds
kennyuthecook: Reese Baugh
kennyuthecook: Last two living inlaws and six of the nine grandchildren
kennyuthecook: Kenny Kathy Cooper and Tori
kennyuthecook: Some were sleeping in tents
kennyuthecook: Edith and her family
kennyuthecook: Delores and her family
kennyuthecook: Kayti is there too
kennyuthecook: Is Reese ready to blow out her candle
kennyuthecook: Staying in the shade
kennyuthecook: Reese is happy
kennyuthecook: Arnold and Shirley come to visit
kennyuthecook: Brenda and her family
kennyuthecook: Reese is one
kennyuthecook: Edith and her three children, Delores, Henry, and Brenda
kennyuthecook: Dad gets his tie dye on
kennyuthecook: Doris Underwood family
kennyuthecook: Howard Young Family
kennyuthecook: Reese with iciing
kennyuthecook: Reese on the run
kennyuthecook: Henry and Grandson Emory
kennyuthecook: Kayti and Natalee at church
kennyuthecook: Cooper and Tori, newly engaged
kennyuthecook: Reese's Birthday
kennyuthecook: Cooper and Tori on Crag O Lea road