kennyuthecook: Baseball Graduating Seniors
kennyuthecook: Coach Chip Bailey with Seniors. We would visit him in NYC in less than a month
kennyuthecook: Trenton Frazier with Steve and Angie
kennyuthecook: New turf was great. Now we have artificial
kennyuthecook: All from the old Jr. high team "The Sluggers"
kennyuthecook: Rick Peck went to all games and took hundreds of thousands of pictures
kennyuthecook: Cooper Dill
kennyuthecook: Trenton Frazier
kennyuthecook: Wish Cooper could have looked happier
kennyuthecook: Sad day, last home game
kennyuthecook: Chance and his parents
kennyuthecook: Chance Lemm
kennyuthecook: Last home game for these boys
kennyuthecook: Evan Acuff at the plate
kennyuthecook: Seniors and their parents
kennyuthecook: Poor Kenny's front teeth have worn down by 2014
kennyuthecook: Mike and Deanna Young and Trevor
kennyuthecook: All these boys played together on the Sluggers
kennyuthecook: Coach Nick Martin
kennyuthecook: Kenny always scowling, Cooper always serious
kennyuthecook: Dakota Stites at the plate
kennyuthecook: Seniors get a rose
kennyuthecook: Mark Hull
kennyuthecook: Dakota Stites
kennyuthecook: Acuff family, Evan. We met them in 3rd grade football
kennyuthecook: Trevor Young
kennyuthecook: Cooper at the plate
kennyuthecook: Cooper Dill, with Jason and Jill
kennyuthecook: Outgoing Seniors Uniform Numbers
kennyuthecook: Cooper Underwood