kennyuthecook: Kayti talks to her grand aunt
kennyuthecook: Kayti and Maddix (RIP)
kennyuthecook: Kayti is center of focus
kennyuthecook: Mom Danielle and Addie
kennyuthecook: Connor Underwood at15
kennyuthecook: Kayti and mom Kathy R.
kennyuthecook: Poor Addie can't hold her head up
kennyuthecook: Shirley Landers with sister Janet and BIL Walt
kennyuthecook: Kayti is happy
kennyuthecook: Addie and Kathy R. as Cooper seriously looks on
kennyuthecook: Donna lights the candles
kennyuthecook: Addie, Cooper and Connor
kennyuthecook: Danielle, Kathy R., Addie, Donna, and Arnold
kennyuthecook: Individual cupcakes with Hershey bar icing are the order of the day
kennyuthecook: Addie, Connor and Cooper
kennyuthecook: Cooper and Addie
kennyuthecook: Kathy and Addie blow out candles
kennyuthecook: Grandpa Don is a spry 81
kennyuthecook: Dana and Kayti
kennyuthecook: Addie and Kathy
kennyuthecook: Danielle with Kayti and focus on Ross' house
kennyuthecook: Kayti Jo with Walt and Janet
kennyuthecook: Springtime and Kathy's Birthday