kennyuthecook: Connor waits on the handoff
kennyuthecook: Connor watches the other runners
kennyuthecook: Connor talks with coaches
kennyuthecook: Kenny and Connor
kennyuthecook: Kylie Littlefield
kennyuthecook: Connor will compete with Caleb on this one
kennyuthecook: Connor always enjoyed the track meets
kennyuthecook: Let's just throw them all together in this long race
kennyuthecook: Brenda, Darrell, Dad (Don Underwood) and me
kennyuthecook: Jacob Wurster and wife Casey and Noah
kennyuthecook: Connor was always walking on air
kennyuthecook: Connor after the race
kennyuthecook: David Bunch, wife Deanna and son Darrell
kennyuthecook: Down the stretch, Connor is in the lead
kennyuthecook: Connor and East Newton students are ready
kennyuthecook: The baton is passed
kennyuthecook: Over warmly dressed Kenny with Connor
kennyuthecook: Connor has top seed and is ready
kennyuthecook: Connor on a relay
kennyuthecook: Connor is always in a good mood despite cold weather
kennyuthecook: Coach Tim Kilby talks with other coaches