kennyuthecook: The Torch is Passed
kennyuthecook: Judge Perigo Presents Eagle
kennyuthecook: Gene and Margaret greet well wishers
kennyuthecook: Gene accepts watch
kennyuthecook: Gene Hall
kennyuthecook: Gene shows off watch to crowd
kennyuthecook: Tanya, Kathy and Jennifer look on
kennyuthecook: Gene Hall : Retiring Circuit Clerk
kennyuthecook: Kathy tells Gene she's worked at the courthouse longer than him
kennyuthecook: What's next
kennyuthecook: Gene thanks the crowd
kennyuthecook: Thanks for coming
kennyuthecook: Stephanie scans the crowd
kennyuthecook: Some employees look on
kennyuthecook: Always good for a laugh
kennyuthecook: I guess its too late to change my mind.
kennyuthecook: Gene accepts picture book of his political life
kennyuthecook: Here's your memory book
kennyuthecook: This is fun but when do we eat the cookies and candy
kennyuthecook: The Judge and Gene one last time in the courtroom
kennyuthecook: Best gift of all............Money!
kennyuthecook: Joye gives Gene pennies he saved over the years.
kennyuthecook: Every time he saw a penny, he leaned over and picked it up.
kennyuthecook: Proclamation from the State Legislature
kennyuthecook: Gene Hall and Jennifer Mikeska
kennyuthecook: Even the Dems signed off on this
kennyuthecook: Gene Hall
kennyuthecook: The price tag is here somewhere
kennyuthecook: The Eagle has Landed
kennyuthecook: The Fourth Estate