kennyuthecook: Cooper Underwood
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kennyuthecook: Cooper delivers the pitch.
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kennyuthecook: Cooper batting one of a thousand times
kennyuthecook: DSC_1121_12479
kennyuthecook: Cooper at the plate
kennyuthecook: Baseball game a long time ago
kennyuthecook: Connor anxiously awaiting his turn at bat
kennyuthecook: Cooper Dill before he was a Pilot.
kennyuthecook: Jake Wood
kennyuthecook: DSC_1128_12486
kennyuthecook: Jake Wood ready to unload
kennyuthecook: Cooper Baseball Mickey Owens
kennyuthecook: Jake Wood at the plate
kennyuthecook: Jake steps up to the plate
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kennyuthecook: Shouldn't have gone after that pitch
kennyuthecook: Close play
kennyuthecook: Jake Wilkie at the plate
kennyuthecook: Jake Wood barrels into third
kennyuthecook: Jake Wood on the basepaths