chika-oka: 山茶花メジロ-2 Camellia sasanqua & Japanese white-eye 💜 冬ごもり(巣籠も) Stay in Winter(Stay in the winter nest)-49
chika-oka: ジョウビタキ-2 Phoenicurus auroreus-2 💜 冬ごもり(巣籠もり) Stay in Winter(Stay in the Winter nest)-92
chika-oka: コサギ−2 Egretta garzetta−2冬ごもり(巣籠もり)💜 Stay in Winter(Stay in the Winter nest)-86
chika-oka: はーるよ来い!! Come spring−1 冬ごもり(巣籠もり)💜 Stay in Winter (Stay in the Winter nest)-84
chika-oka: 冬目白-2 Japanese white-eye 💜 冬ごもり(巣籠もり)Stay in Winter(Stay in the Winter nest)-82
chika-oka: 菜の花畑-3 (Rape field-3) Fulica atra💜冬ごもり(巣籠もり) Stay in Winter(Stay in the Winter nest)-79
chika-oka: 菜の花畑-2 (Rape field-2) Japanese white-eye 💜 冬ごもり(巣籠もり) Stay in winter(Stay in the Winter nest)-78
chika-oka: ヤマガラ-2 Sittiparus varius-2 冬ごもり(巣籠もり)💜 Stay in Winter(Stay in the Winter nest)-75
chika-oka: シジュウガラ-2 Parus minor-2 💜 冬ごもり(巣籠もり) Stay in Winter(Stay in the Winter nest)-67
chika-oka: オナガ-2 Cyanopica cyanus 冬ごもり(巣籠もり)💜 Stay in Winter(Stay in the Winter nest)-55
chika-oka: アオジ-2 Emberiza spodocephala 冬ごもり(巣籠もり)💜 Stay in Winter(Stay in the winter nest)-99
chika-oka: アカハラ-2 Turdus chrysolaus 冬ごもり(巣籠もり)💜 Stay in Winter(Stay in the Winter nest)-40
chika-oka: コゲラ-2 Dendrocopos kizuki 冬ごもり(巣籠もり) 💜 Stay in Winter(Stay in the Winter nest)-34
chika-oka: 青 鷺 Ardea cinerea-2 冬ごもり(巣籠もり) 💜 Stay in Winter (Stay in the Winter nest)-22
chika-oka: 鳶 (タカ目タカ科) Milvus migrans 🌅謹賀新年 Happy New Year2021 💜 冬ごもり(巣籠もり) Stay in Winter(Stay in the Winter nest)-19
chika-oka: 大 鷺 Ardea alba 冬ごもり(巣籠もり) 💜 Stay in Winter(Stay in the Winter nest)-16
chika-oka: 鴨 Duck 冬ごもり(巣籠もり) 💜 Stay in Winter (Stay in the Winter nest )-11
chika-oka: 新浜川鵜 Niihama Phalacrocorax carbo 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach Autumn-112
chika-oka: ササゴイの幼鳥 Striated heron chick 秋立ちぬ💚The Approach of Autumn-101
chika-oka: 水鳥散歩 (Waterfowl walk) 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-97
chika-oka: 大鷺達の朝餉 Great egret breakfast 秋立ちぬ 💚 The Approach of Autumn-92
chika-oka: ムクドリ Sturnus cineraceus 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-82
chika-oka: アオサギ-1 Ardea cinerea-1 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-65
chika-oka: 小 鷺 Egretta garzetta 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-13
chika-oka: オナガ Cyanopica cyanus 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-11
chika-oka: 青鷺とビル Ardea cinerea 春過ぎて 夏来たるらし💙 Spring is over, Summer is coming-66
chika-oka: 木の間飛鳥 Bird flying between trees!! 春過ぎて 夏来たるらし💙 Spring is over, Summer is coming-62
chika-oka: 梢のヒヨドリ・桜 Hypsipetes amaurotis-2 🌸 SAKURA-13
chika-oka: シジュウガラ Parus minor-1
chika-oka: ヒヨドリ-1 Hypsipetes amaurotis