chika-oka: 秋の風物詩−4 Autumn tradition-4
chika-oka: 秋の風物詩-1 Autumn tradition-1
chika-oka: 秋の風物詩-2 Autumn tradition-2
chika-oka: 秋の風物詩-3 Autumn tradition-3
chika-oka: 秋の風物詩-5 Autumn tradition-5
chika-oka: 秋の風物詩-6 Autumn tradition-6
chika-oka: 秋の風物詩-7 Autumn tradition-7
chika-oka: 晩秋の郷-2 Village of the late Autumnー Autumn leaves-2 (Japanese maple(Momiji))
chika-oka: 晩秋の郷-3 (もみじ山) Village of the late Autumn(Momoji-yama)
chika-oka: 秋の風物詩-8 Autumn tradition-8
chika-oka: 晩秋の郷-4 Village of the late Autumn
chika-oka: 晩秋の郷-5 (茶の木) Village of the late Autumn Camellia sinensis
chika-oka: 秋の風物詩-9 Autumn tradition-9
chika-oka: 秋の風物詩-10 Autumn tradition-10
chika-oka: 晩秋の郷-6 (ノブドウ) Village of the late Autumn-6 (Ampelopsis glandulosa var. heterophylla)
chika-oka: 晩秋の郷-7 Village of the late Autumn-7
chika-oka: 晩秋の郷-8 Village of the late Autumn-8 丹生都比売神社◎楼門 Niutsuhime-Jinja Shrine ◎ Rou-mon(Tower gate) & Momoji
chika-oka: 晩秋の郷-9 Village of the late Autumn-9 💜 檜扇の実(ぬばたま) Belamcanda chinensis
chika-oka: 晩秋の郷-10 Village of the late Autumn-10 山茶花 Camellia sasanqua
chika-oka: 晩秋の郷-11 Village of the late Autumn-10 紀の川と三国山遠望 Kinukawa River
chika-oka: 晩秋の郷-1 Village of the late AutumnーAutumn leaves-1 (Japanese maple(Momiji))