chika-oka: 百 合 Lily-1 春過ぎて 夏来たるらし💙 Spring is over, Summer is coming-19
chika-oka: ビョウヤナギ-4 Hypericum Chinese var. salicifolia 春過ぎて 夏来たるらし💙 Spring is over, Summer is coming-48
chika-oka: ひまわり-2 Sunflower 春すぎて 夏来たるらし💙 Spring is over, Summer is coming-59
chika-oka: エゴノキ(チシャノキ) Styrax japonica 春過ぎて 夏来たるらし💜 Spring is over, Summer is coming-72
chika-oka: 青鷺とビル Ardea cinerea 春過ぎて 夏来たるらし💙 Spring is over, Summer is coming-66
chika-oka: 花と蝶-1 Flower and Butterfly 春過ぎて 夏来たるらし💙 Spring is over, Summer is coming-75
chika-oka: 木 槿 Hibiscus syriacus 春過ぎて 夏来たるらし💙 Spring i over, Summer is coming-76
chika-oka: 森の蝶 Butterfly in the Forest 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-4
chika-oka: Repost-1 別れ道-1 Farewell-1 "a stray cat Kuro" 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-17
chika-oka: Repost-2 別れ道−2 Farewell-2 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-19
chika-oka: Repost-3 野良の小太郎 "a stray cat Ko-Tarou" 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-21
chika-oka: アカメガシワ Mallotus japonicus 気になる木です!! What kind of tree is this tree!! 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-23
chika-oka: アカボシゴマダラ Hestina assimilis 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-29
chika-oka: ギンナン-2 Ginkgo biloba 秋立ちぬ💚 The approach of Autumn-32
chika-oka: 白粉花とコサギ Mirabilis jalapa & Egretta garzetta 秋たちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-36
chika-oka: 朝 顔 Ipomoea nil 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-41
chika-oka: お昼寝 Cat nap 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-42
chika-oka: ヒガンバナ-1 Lycoris radiate 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-44
chika-oka: 尾 花 Miscanthus sinensis 秋立ちぬ💜 The Approach of Autumn-45
chika-oka: 揚羽蝶-1 Papilio nidae 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-48
chika-oka: 小 紫 (Callicarpa dichotomy callicarpa) 秋立ちぬ💜 The Approach of Autumn-55
chika-oka: 曼珠沙華と揚羽蝶-1 Lycoris radiata&Papilio nidae 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-56
chika-oka: 萩の花咲く頃に-5 Lespedeza 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-60
chika-oka: 臭木の果実-5 Clerodendrum trichotomum秋立ちぬ💚The Approach of Autumn-68
chika-oka: 寒露過ぎのTOKYO Sky Tree 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-73
chika-oka: 秋薔薇-3 Autumn-Rose 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-80
chika-oka: 団栗一つ a acorn (Quercus serrata) 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-83
chika-oka: 古代米 (緑米) Ancient Rice(Green rice) 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-86
chika-oka: ウラギク(浦菊)-1 Aster tripolium 秋立ちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-88
chika-oka: ウルシの紅葉 (Toxicodendron vernicifluum) 秋たちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-100