chika-oka: 秋を探して"Looking for fall"
chika-oka: 秋を探しに "Go On a Tripーfor a week -Come home
chika-oka: 晩秋の郷ー神野 "Village of the late in Autumn-Kouno"
chika-oka: 「秋の風物詩」串柿の天日干し"A poetry of Autumn" Kushigaki (Hoshigaki) color
chika-oka: 晩秋の郷ー中畑遠望 "Village of the late in Autumn"- a view of Nakahata village
chika-oka: 「秋の風物詩」晩秋の郷ー神野 "A poetry of Autumn"ーVillage of the late in autumn-Kouno
chika-oka: 晩秋の郷ー串柿の吊るし干し風景・平地区 "Village of the late in Autumn"ーa view of Taira village
chika-oka: 「秋の風物詩」串柿簾色 "A poetry of Autumn"—Kushigaki (Hoshigaki) color
chika-oka: 晩秋の郷ー神野の古民家風景 "Village of the late in Autumn"ーold architecture scenery the country
chika-oka: 「秋の風物詩」晩秋の郷ー神野 "A poetry of Autumn" ーVillage of the late in Autumn-Kouno
chika-oka: ライトアップの輪橋と鳥居 Lighted-up Wheel Bridge and Torii "静寂-Silence"
chika-oka: ライトアップの輪橋と鳥居 Lighted-up Wheel Bridge and Torii "静寂-Silence"
chika-oka: 丹生都比売神社 / 楼門 Niutsuhime-Jinja Shrine / Rou-mon (tower gate) and Japanese maple🍁 (Momiji)-1
chika-oka: 秋を探して"Go on a Trip" ーMt.Fuji from the Shinkansen-window!!
chika-oka: 山茶花 Camellia sasanqua
chika-oka: 丹生都比売神社 / 楼門 Niutsuhime-Jinja Shrine / Rou-mon (tower gate) and Japanese maple 🍁(Momiji)-2
chika-oka: 秋を探して "Go on a Trip"- Mt. Fuji from the Shinkansen- window!!
chika-oka: 紅葉🍁谷風景 Scenery of the Momiji-valley.
chika-oka: 黄色紅葉 Yellow maple
chika-oka: 紅葉🍁 Momiji
chika-oka: 紅葉🍁Momiji
chika-oka: 霧の晴れ間にFog clearance-Ginkgo biloba
chika-oka: 紀の川霧 Morning fog
chika-oka: 銀 杏 Ginkgo biloba
chika-oka: 丹生酒殿神社の大銀杏 Nyu-sakadono-Jinja Shrine, Ginkgo biloba
chika-oka: 小栴檀草 Bidens pilosa var. pilosa
chika-oka: 残り柿 Persimmon
chika-oka: コセンダングサ Bidens pilosa var. pilosa
chika-oka: 小栴檀草の電車道 Bidens pilosa var. pilosa
chika-oka: 大 樹 Ginkgo biloba