Peter C. Nelson: Zip with my favorite FD
Peter C. Nelson: Zip in profile
Peter C. Nelson: Happy Caturday from Lady Bea
Peter C. Nelson: Lens test with Zip
Peter C. Nelson: Wig on the move
Peter C. Nelson: Wig's passport photo
Peter C. Nelson: Wig in his safe space. He's a snowflake.
Peter C. Nelson: Soft kitty, warm kitty
Peter C. Nelson: Lady Bea says: "You are getting sleepy..."
Peter C. Nelson: Lady Bea at the mouth of her cat cave
Peter C. Nelson: Wig enjoying a large box
Peter C. Nelson: On the wrong side of the glass
Peter C. Nelson: Happy Caturday!
Peter C. Nelson: [50/1.8 FF Project] -007-
Peter C. Nelson: Lady Bea
Peter C. Nelson: I'm up! Happy Caturday!
Peter C. Nelson: Alert but relaxed
Peter C. Nelson: Perpetual awareness
Peter C. Nelson: Caturday bath - Happy Caturday
Peter C. Nelson: Attention!
Peter C. Nelson: A visitor
Peter C. Nelson: Sharing space...kind of
Peter C. Nelson: Ambush predator lying in wait
Peter C. Nelson: Happy Caturday from George and the rest of the crew
Peter C. Nelson: The days go by but Bea's look doesn't change
Peter C. Nelson: Sharing the chair with Dad - Happy Caturday!
Peter C. Nelson: Darth Zip - Happy Caturday
Peter C. Nelson: "Please sir, I want some more."
Peter C. Nelson: A good scratch is highly under-rated
Peter C. Nelson: Zip helps with a lens test