Crystal.Rain: Southern Urals. Lake Turgoyak. View from the east bank - artimage [Rus: Южный Урал. Озеро Тургояк. Вид с восточного берега]
Crystal.Rain: Spring landscape with a poplar [Rus: Весенний пейзаж с тополем]
Crystal.Rain: Golosov Ravine in the spring [Rus: Голосов овраг в весеннее время]
Crystal.Rain: Rainbow in the city #2 [Rus: Радуга в городе]
Crystal.Rain: Kolomenskoye in Winter #37. In the Alley
Crystal.Rain: In the summer countryside #25. Spring flood of the Vetluga. Driftwood
Crystal.Rain: View of the Vetluga river (upstream) from the river terrace
Crystal.Rain: University Park fountains in winter #11 - B&W
Crystal.Rain: In the Moscow landscape park Tsaritsyno
Crystal.Rain: Autumn in the Vorontsovo Manor Park #5 [Rus: Осень в усадебном парке Воронцово]
Crystal.Rain: March Sun - March Shadows #14 (Panorama of Moscow from the Sparrow Hills)
Crystal.Rain: Dawn on a white night #13 [Rus: Рассвет в белую ночь]
Crystal.Rain: Autumn in the Vorontsovo Manor Park #43. Springs feeding the Vorontsovо Ponds
Crystal.Rain: June sky #1. "Volcano"
Crystal.Rain: 18th Century Kuskovo Estate #14. The Large Pond
Crystal.Rain: On the west coast of India (Goa) #14. View from the walls of Fort Aguada on the Mandovi River estuary (left) and the Arabian Sea
Crystal.Rain: In the summer countryside #26. Coastal landscape with rosehip bushes
Crystal.Rain: В парке у метро "Проспект Вернадского" #1 (Парк 50-летия Октября)
Crystal.Rain: In the summer countryside #3. Hunting lodge of local oligarch above the river valley
Crystal.Rain: Vorontsovo Estate (Vorontsovo Park) in winter #4-1 [Rus: Усадьба Воронцово (Воронцовский парк) зимой]
Crystal.Rain: В долине речки Раменки весной #12
Crystal.Rain: Мартовские тени #3
Crystal.Rain: Autumn in the Vorontsovo Manor Park #70. Floating houses
Crystal.Rain: Mountains of the Southern Urals. Taganay National Park. View from the Bolshoi Taganay ridge at sunset #1 [Rus: Горы Южного Урала. Национальный парк "Таганай". Вид с хребта Большой Таганай на закате]
Crystal.Rain: West Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz California [Rus: Местечко Уэст-Клифф Драйв, мыс Маяка. Город Санта-Круз, Калифорния]
Crystal.Rain: Wandering along the shore of Vetluga at the end of the spring flood #13 [Rus: Бродя по берегу Ветлуги в конце весеннего разлива]
Crystal.Rain: Under the cover of the spring forest. Blooming corydalis #1-1 [Rus: Цветущие хохлатки в весеннем лесу]
Crystal.Rain: Winter in Bitsa Urban forest #10. Ecotrail
Crystal.Rain: In the city garden in late spring #11 [Rus: В городском парке в конце весны]
Crystal.Rain: Autumn in the Vorontsovo Manor Park #17