Crystal.Rain: Scientist Martha
Crystal.Rain: Ordinary Berlin #7
Crystal.Rain: Musya [Rus: Муся]
Crystal.Rain: These days in Instanbul #43. View from the roof of Istanbul Modern to the coastal area of Tophane with the Tophane Clock Tower, Nusretiye Mosque and the Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum (r)
Crystal.Rain: Spring Sketches #10
Crystal.Rain: Tsaritsyno Park. Tsaritsyno Grand Palace #1. Southern facade [Rus: Большой Царицынский дворец. Южный фасад]
Crystal.Rain: Kolomenskoye in Winter #46
Crystal.Rain: The Last Day of Autumn #7
Crystal.Rain: 'Shards' of a spring shower [Rus: 'Осколки' весеннего ливня]
Crystal.Rain: A cozy piglet at the edge of water (cleared of drift-wood) for contemplation and fishing
Crystal.Rain: In Fili Park #3
Crystal.Rain: These days in Istanbul #5
Crystal.Rain: Hall 'The Capital' at the 'BEAUTIFUL LIFE MAGAZINE' art exhibition. Gallery of secular female portraits by Isaak Brodsky, Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky and Nikolai Becker. Museum of Russian Impressionism, Moscow, Russia.
Crystal.Rain: Stopover 3. Sudislavl. Historical center of the town. Soviet Square - B&W [Rus: Городок Судиславль. Исторический центр. Советская площадь]
Crystal.Rain: Tsaritsyno Landscape Park: Ornate Bridge. Walking Citizens #3 [Rus: Парк Царицыно: Фигурный мост. Прогуливающиеся горожане]
Crystal.Rain: Autumn in the Vorontsovo Manor Park #63-2. Artemis
Crystal.Rain: Winter in Bitsa Urban forest #6. Ice "font". The ice-hole for winter bathers on a spring lake
Crystal.Rain: Mossiness stages or the case when a brick becomes a hedgehog [Rus: Стадии мшистости или тот случай, когда кирпич становится ёжиком]
Crystal.Rain: ...and I saw a big cloud, like a sleeping man...
Crystal.Rain: Mountains of the Southern Urals. Taganay National Park. A stone run on Mount Kruglitsa #2 [Rus: Горы Южного Урала. Национальный парк "Таганай". Курумник на горе Круглица]
Crystal.Rain: Plum sapling in bloom #3
Crystal.Rain: This lilac in the bouquet [Rus: Эта-же сирень в букете]
Crystal.Rain: Chestnuts and Pigeons #2 [Rus: Каштаны и голуби]
Crystal.Rain: Autumn Alleys of Tsaritsyno Park #30. Tsaritsyno Grand Palace [Rus: Осенние аллеи Царицынского парка. Большой Царицынский дворец]
Crystal.Rain: Autumn in the Vorontsovo Manor Park #73. ''A clear kid''
Crystal.Rain: Autumn in the Vorontsovo Manor Park #12. Observation bridge on the Big Pond [Rus: Осень в усадебном парке Воронцово. Обзорный мостик на Большом пруду ]
Crystal.Rain: At the walls of the Novodevichy Convent in winter #3-1 [Rus: Зимой у стен Новодевичьего монастыря]
Crystal.Rain: Kolomenskoye in winter #14. Monument to Peter the Great by Georgy Frangulyan [Rus: Коломенское зимой. Памятник Петру Великому скульптора Георгия Франгуляна]
Crystal.Rain: Pony riding
Crystal.Rain: In the city garden in late spring #13 [Rus: В городском парке в конце весны]