Crystal.Rain: AMBROSIUS BOSSCHAERT the ELDER, 1619 - Bouquet of Flowers on a Ledge / oil on copper, 27.94 × 22.86 cm
Crystal.Rain: JACOB VAN HULSDONCK, c. 1620 - Wild Strawberries and a Carnation in a Wan-Li Bowl / oil on copper overall (copper panel), 28.3 × 36.2 cm
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1725 - Two Cats / oil on canvas, 74.8 x 92.6 cm [Rus: Два кота]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1722 - Allegory of Europe / Oil on canvas, 161.9 × 151.8 cm [Rus: Аллегория Европы]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1732 - The Lion and the Fly / Oil on canvas, 189.0 × 253.0 cm [Rus: Лев и муха]
Crystal.Rain: AMBROSIUS BOSSHAERT the ELDER, c. 1619 - Flowers in a Wan Li Vase, Shells and a Tricolor Violet on a Stone Plinth / oil on copper, 28.5 × 19.5 cm
Crystal.Rain: AMBROSIUS BOSSCHAERT the ELDER, 1621 - Bouquet of Flowers in a Glass Vase / oil on copper, 31.6 × 21.6 cm
Crystal.Rain: Храм святых апостолов Петра и Павла в Ясеневе #2
Crystal.Rain: DOMENICO FIASELLA, XVII cent. - Portrait of a boy with a dog / oil on canvas, 79.0 × 107.0 cm
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, ca. 1726-1750 - Une chasse au sanglier / Oil on canvas, 245,5 x 160.0 cm [Rus: Охота на кабана]
Crystal.Rain: ПАОЛО ПОРПОРА, XVII в. - Заросли с розами, черепахами, змеёй и бабочкой
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1719 - Abundance with Her Attributes / Oil on canvas, 180.5 x 145.0 cm [Rus: Изобилие с её атрибутами]
Crystal.Rain: ADRIAEN COORTE, 1704 - Wild Strawberries in a Wan Li Bowl / oil on paper, mounted on wood panel, 29.53 × 22.54 cm
Crystal.Rain: GIACOMO CERUTI, XVIII cent. - Portrait of an old man with pug / oil on canvas, 74.0 × 57.0 cm
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1753 - Dog Guarding Dead Game / Oil on canvas, 64.8 x 80.6 cm [Rus: Собака, сторожащая охотничьи трофеи]
Crystal.Rain: These days in Instanbul #37. Shadirvan (fountain) of the 18th century in the courtyard of the Hagia Sophia
Crystal.Rain: JOHANNES VERMEER, 1666-1668 - The Art of Painting / oil on canvas, 120.0 × 100.0 cm
Crystal.Rain: AMBROSIUS BOSSCHAERT the ELDER, 1614 - Flower Still Life / oil on copper, 30.5 × 38.9 cm
Crystal.Rain: GEORGES de LA TOUR, c. 1645-1648 - Le Nouveau-né (The Newborn) / oil on canvas, 76.0 × 91.0 cm
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1926 - Comic Stories: The Plunderer Falls on the Goat / Etching on cream laid paper, 36.8 × 29.2 cm (plate) [Rus: Комические истории: грабитель падает на козу]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1722 - Henri Camille, Chevalier de Beringhen / Oil on canvas, 147.0 × 114.0 cm [Rus: Анри Камиль, Шевалье де Беринген]
Crystal.Rain: FRANÇOIS DESPORTES, 1724 - Garde-manger aux artichauts, choux-fleurs et corbeille de champignons / huile sur toile.
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1739 - The Cat and the Monkey [Rus: Кот и Обезьяна]
Crystal.Rain: FRANS SNYDERS - Still life with fighting cats / Oil on canvas, 56.0 x 91.5 cm [Rus: Натюрморт с дерущимися котами]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1725 - Misse et Turlu, levrettes de Louis XV / oil on canvas, 127.1 × 160.0 cm
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, vers 1747 - The lice and his companion / Oil on canvas, 98.0 x 140.0 cm [Rus: 'Вшивый' и его подруга]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1722 - Still life with the bust of America / Oil on canvas, 178.3 x 142.5 cm [Rus: Натюрморт с бюстом Америки]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1741 - Leopardess / Oil on canvas, 131.0 × 160.0 cm [Rus: Самка леопарда]
Crystal.Rain: GIACOMO CERUTI, XVIII cent. - Portrait of an old man with a white cat / oil on canvas, 74.0 x 57.0 cm
Crystal.Rain: JACOBUS (JACOMO) VICTOR, XVII cent. - Fight in the courtyard between cat and hen / oil on canvas, 103.0 × 87.0 cm