Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, ca. 1726-1750 - Une chasse au sanglier / Oil on canvas, 245,5 x 160.0 cm [Rus: Охота на кабана]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1725 - Misse et Turlu, levrettes de Louis XV / oil on canvas, 127.1 × 160.0 cm
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY - Frontispiece with the portrait of Oudry. Album Oudry Jean-Baptiste -1- Folio 1 / Brown ink, brush (drawing), grey paper, pen (drawing), wash with brown, white highlights, 25.0 × 31.2 cm
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1739 - The Cat and the Monkey [Rus: Кот и Обезьяна]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1926 - Comic Stories: The Plunderer Falls on the Goat / Etching on cream laid paper, 36.8 × 29.2 cm (plate) [Rus: Комические истории: грабитель падает на козу]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, c. 1727 - View of the Port of Dieppe / Etching in black on cream laid paper, 38.6 × 29.5 cm (plate) [Rus: Вид на порт Дьеп]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1706-1755 - Partridge / Black chalk, heightened with white chalk, on blue laid paper, 26.0 × 43.2 cm [Rus: Куропатка]
Crystal.Rain: Illustrations by J.B.OUDRY, written by J.De La FONTAINE, 1755 - Fables choisies,mises en vers/Bound book with engravings,with etching,wood engravings & letterpress in black on ivory laid paper 49×35×7 cm (closed) [Rus: Басни,постановки в стихах]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1724 - Still life with Monkey, Fruits, and Flowers / Oil on canvas, 141.6 × 144.8 cm [Rus: Натюрморт с обезьяной, фруктами и цветами]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1722 - Still life with the bust of America / Oil on canvas, 178.3 x 142.5 cm [Rus: Натюрморт с бюстом Америки]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1722 - Allegory of Europe / Oil on canvas, 161.9 × 151.8 cm [Rus: Аллегория Европы]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, vers 1747 - The lice and his companion / Oil on canvas, 98.0 x 140.0 cm [Rus: 'Вшивый' и его подруга]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, vers 1747 - The deer seeing himself in the water / Oil on canvas, 98.0 × 140.0 cm [Rus: Олень, рассматривающий себя в воде]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1725 - Chasse au chevreuil ou le chevreuil force / Oil on canvas, 171.0 × 156.0 cm [Rus: Охота на косулю или преследуемая косуля]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1734 - Le Sérail du Doguin / oil on canvas, 105.5 × 135.0 cm
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1715 - Still life (Pair). Death nature with shooting gear and flowers II (On the flower vase pedestal) / oil on canvas, 73.0 × 123.0 cm [Rus: Парный натюрморт. Битая дичь с охотничьим снаряжением и цветами II]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1715 - Still life (Pair). Death nature with shooting gear and flowers I (On the flower vase pedestal)) / Oil on canvas, 73.0 × 123.0 cm [Rus: Парный натюрморт. Битая дичь с охотничьим снаряжением и цветами I]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1744 - Corner of Monsieur de la Bruyere's Garden Vase of Flowers with a Bed of Tulips, a Parrot and Moths / Oil on canvas, 130.2 × 161.6 cm [Rus: Уголок сада месье де ла Брюера...]
Crystal.Rain: NICOLAS de LARGILLIERE (after), c. 1701-1800 - Jean-Baptiste Oudry (1686-1755), painter / Oil on canvas, 74.5 × 59.2 cm [Rus: Художник Жан-Батист Удри]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1719 - Abundance with Her Attributes / Oil on canvas, 180.5 x 145.0 cm [Rus: Изобилие с её атрибутами]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1721 - Still life with fruit / oil on canvas 74.0 x 92.0 cm [Rus: Натюрморт с фруктами]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY - Still life with Roebuck / Oil on canvas, 52.0 x 64.0 cm [Rus: Натюрморт с самцом косули]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1721 - The Dead Wolf / oil on canvas, 193.0 × 260.0 cm [Rus: Мёртвый волк]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1728 - Polydore, dog of the pack of Louis XV (1710-1774) / oil on canvas, 128.0 × 157.0 cm
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1741 - Leopardess / Oil on canvas, 131.0 × 160.0 cm [Rus: Самка леопарда]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE PERRONNEAU, 1753 - Jean-Baptiste Oudry (Portrait de Jean-Baptiste Oudry, du peintre animalier (1686-1755) / Oil on canvas, 131.0 × 105.0 cm [Rus: Портрет художника-анималиста Жана-Батиста Удри]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, ca. 1725 - Still-life with Dead Game and Peaches in a Landscape / Oil on canvas, 80.0 × 100.3 cm [Rus: Натюрморт с битой дичью и персиками на фоне пейзажа]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1722 - Henri Camille, Chevalier de Beringhen / Oil on canvas, 147.0 × 114.0 cm [Rus: Анри Камиль, Шевалье де Беринген]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY, 1739 - Antelope - Indian Blackbuck / oil, 162.0 x 129.0 cm [Rus: Индийская винторогая антилопа]
Crystal.Rain: JEAN-BAPTISTE OUDRY - Hunting scene with a leopard and six dogs / oil on canvas, 64.0 x 77.0 cm [Rus: Охотничья сцена с леопардом и шестью собаками]