vaughna: a little pre-race practice
vaughna: more pre-race practice
vaughna: some pre-race advice
vaughna: ready to Get Some!
vaughna: just a few people showed up for kiddie cross
vaughna: race instructions
vaughna: where's waldo?
vaughna: game face
vaughna: and they're off!
vaughna: Cleo off to a good start
vaughna: Cleo off to a good start
vaughna: taming the grass
vaughna: off-camber? no problem.
vaughna: perfect form around the turns
vaughna: "I'm winning!"
vaughna: putting a little distance on second place.
vaughna: taming the grass again
vaughna: clearing his first barriers
vaughna: serious run-up
vaughna: no problem
vaughna: dirt turns? no problem.
vaughna: foot down!
vaughna: "don't take a picture of that!"
vaughna: and off she goes!
vaughna: a little wave at the finish