vaughna: going to Hawaii! Aloha!
vaughna: at the resort
vaughna: nap time
vaughna: flower child
vaughna: at the resort
vaughna: flower child
vaughna: if you take a @#*&%! picture of me...
vaughna: the beach
vaughna: boogie boarding
vaughna: tired boys
vaughna: vaughn's morning ritual
vaughna: the morning view
vaughna: trying to round up boys
vaughna: still trying to round up boys
vaughna: gotcha!
vaughna: L & L Hawaiian Barbeque
vaughna: grub!
vaughna: oh yeah - we found the natural food store
vaughna: daily ritual: feeding the local birds
vaughna: morning cartoons
vaughna: getting ready for a night out
vaughna: day at the beach = tired boys
vaughna: watching the birds
vaughna: not.... photogenic.
vaughna: the whole fam dam
vaughna: going home