tysonbrust: Rosa at the source of the River Nile
tysonbrust: Me at the source of the River Nile
tysonbrust: Mr. Warthog is being bothered by monkeys
tysonbrust: IMG_8530
tysonbrust: IMG_8532
tysonbrust: IMG_8533
tysonbrust: IMG_8534
tysonbrust: Rosa stalks some zebras
tysonbrust: IMG_8560
tysonbrust: IMG_8564
tysonbrust: Tom, Jerry, and Mr. Zebra
tysonbrust: IMG_8568
tysonbrust: IMG_8570
tysonbrust: IMG_8571
tysonbrust: IMG_8575
tysonbrust: IMG_8577
tysonbrust: Zebras of Mburo Lake
tysonbrust: IMG_8580
tysonbrust: IMG_8582
tysonbrust: Jerry in my rearview mirror
tysonbrust: IMG_8592
tysonbrust: IMG_8597
tysonbrust: IMG_8599
tysonbrust: IMG_8603
tysonbrust: Tom and Jerry in Mburo Lake National Park
tysonbrust: IMG_8609
tysonbrust: Tom, Jerry, and....Cow
tysonbrust: IMG_8628
tysonbrust: Mountains of Southwestern Uganda
tysonbrust: IMG_8633