Vince Schmidt: Eileen and Vince Schmidt
Vince Schmidt: 000_0315.jpg
Vince Schmidt: 000_0318.jpg
Vince Schmidt: Bill Dooling, Louise Schmidt and Gloria Fortin
Vince Schmidt: 100_1917.jpg
Vince Schmidt: 000_0314.jpg
Vince Schmidt: Mary Ellen and Joe Kunkel
Vince Schmidt: 100_1916.jpg
Vince Schmidt: 100_1919.jpg
Vince Schmidt: 100_1920.jpg
Vince Schmidt: Bill Anderson and Kenny Gass
Vince Schmidt: Louise Schmidt, Marilyn Cahill, Jean Egan
Vince Schmidt: 000_0313.jpg
Vince Schmidt: Eileen Schmidt, Bobby and Eileen Kelly
Vince Schmidt: 100_1926.jpg
Vince Schmidt: 100_1927.jpg
Vince Schmidt: 100_1930.jpg
Vince Schmidt: Mary Eileen Duffy and Bubs Dooling
Vince Schmidt: 100_1928.jpg
Vince Schmidt: 100_1932.jpg
Vince Schmidt: 100_1935.jpg
Vince Schmidt: Eileen Schmidt, Margaret Dooling and Deb Dooling
Vince Schmidt: 100_1945.jpg
Vince Schmidt: Dale Gordy, Karen Gordy, Garth Aronson
Vince Schmidt: Vince and Eileen Schmidt