Oleg Nomad: Парусник Елены, Papilio helenus, The Red Helen
Oleg Nomad: Парусник Елены, Papilio helenus, The Red Helen
Oleg Nomad: Papilio clytia, Common Mime
Oleg Nomad: Parantica sita, Chestnut tiger
Oleg Nomad: Parantica sita, Chestnut tiger
Oleg Nomad: Parantica sita, Chestnut tiger
Oleg Nomad: Графиум сарпедон, Common Bluebottle, Common Bluebottle
Oleg Nomad: Abisara fylla, Dark Judy
Oleg Nomad: Abisara fylla, Dark Judy
Oleg Nomad: Abisara neophron, Tailed Judy
Oleg Nomad: Euthalia monina kesava, Assam Powdered Baron
Oleg Nomad: Euthalia monina kesava, Assam Powdered Baron
Oleg Nomad: Euthalia monina kesava, Assam Powdered Baron
Oleg Nomad: Euthalia monina kesava, Assam Powdered Baron
Oleg Nomad: Heliophorus tamu, Powdery green sapphire
Oleg Nomad: Heliophorus tamu, Powdery green sapphire
Oleg Nomad: Heliophorus tamu, Powdery green sapphire
Oleg Nomad: Heliophorus tamu, Powdery green sapphire
Oleg Nomad: Heliophorus tamu, Powdery green sapphire
Oleg Nomad: Юнония лемония, Junonia lemonias, Lemon Pansy
Oleg Nomad: Юнония лемония, Junonia lemonias, Lemon Pansy
Oleg Nomad: Junonia iphita, Chocolate pansy
Oleg Nomad: Junonia iphita, Chocolate pansy
Oleg Nomad: Junonia iphita, Chocolate pansy
Oleg Nomad: Mycalesis visala, Long-branded Bushbrown
Oleg Nomad: Zemeros flegyas, Punchinello
Oleg Nomad: Чернушка темно-бурая, Neptis hylas papaja, Common Sailor
Oleg Nomad: Чернушка темно-бурая, Neptis hylas papaja, Common Sailor
Oleg Nomad: Acropteris leptaliata
Oleg Nomad: Гусеница