Ed Leathers: Sign at the Entrance of Beaver Lake, NC
Ed Leathers: Trailhead at Beaver Lake
Ed Leathers: Beaver Lake, NC
Ed Leathers: Beaver Lake, Asheville, North Carolina
Ed Leathers: The Sanctuary Loop Trail
Ed Leathers: Mother Turkey with Chicks
Ed Leathers: The Sanctuary Loop Trail
Ed Leathers: The Cattails at Beaver Lake, NC
Ed Leathers: Tower Sign at Beaver Lake, NC
Ed Leathers: Beaver Lake, NC & the Gibbous Moon, 12-25-21
Ed Leathers: Beaver Lake in Asheville, NC
Ed Leathers: The End of the Boardwalk Trail
Ed Leathers: Video: The Birdsongs at the Beaver Lake Sanctuary
Ed Leathers: Natural Wood Sculpture
Ed Leathers: Tufted Titmouse
Ed Leathers: Red-Eared Sliders