pGP!: Anhinga swimming
pGP!: BN Stilts
pGP!: BW Teals
pGP!: Bachman's Sparrow
pGP!: Bachman's Sparrow2
pGP!: Bald eagles immature
pGP!: Belted Kingfisher
pGP!: Black-headed and Bonaparte's Gulls
pGP!: Black-necked Stilt
pGP!: Black-throated Blue with Lanternfly
pGP!: Blue Grosbeak immature
pGP!: Blue Grosbeak immature2
pGP!: Blue Grosbeak immature3
pGP!: Blue-winged Teals
pGP!: Bobolink fall
pGP!: Bonaparte's flock
pGP!: Cape May Warbler arched
pGP!: Cape May Warbler probing
pGP!: Cape May Warbler with Lanternflies
pGP!: Catte Egret with snake
pGP!: Cattle Egret with cattle
pGP!: Coots at Apopka
pGP!: Eastern Towhee Florida
pGP!: Hooded Mergansers flight
pGP!: Kentucky Warbler dead
pGP!: Lesser Scaup
pGP!: Lesser Scaup nail
pGP!: Lesser Scaup reflection
pGP!: Lesser Scaup reflection2
pGP!: Lesser Scaup reflection3