pGP!: American Bittern
pGP!: American Bittern frontal view
pGP!: American Bittern typical view
pGP!: American Bittern visible
pGP!: American Bittern2
pGP!: American Flamingo2
pGP!: American bittern
pGP!: American bittern3
pGP!: Avocets
pGP!: Bare-faced Ibis
pGP!: Bare-faced Ibis
pGP!: Bare-throated tiger-heron
pGP!: Bare-throated tiger-heron2
pGP!: Black-crowned Night-heron
pGP!: Black-crowned Night-heron flight
pGP!: Black-crowned Night-heron sinister
pGP!: Black-crowned night-heron
pGP!: Black-crowned night-heron2
pGP!: Black-crowned night-heron3
pGP!: Black-faced Ibis
pGP!: Black-faced Ibis calling
pGP!: Boat-billed heron
pGP!: Boat-billed heron2
pGP!: Catte Egret with snake
pGP!: Cattle Egret
pGP!: Cattle Egret
pGP!: Cattle Egret rear in flight2
pGP!: Cattle Egret with bug
pGP!: Cattle Egret with cattle
pGP!: Cattle egret