Westerman's Nature Photography:
Mound A
Westerman's Nature Photography:
Mound B
Westerman's Nature Photography:
Mound C
Westerman's Nature Photography:
Up Up and Away
Westerman's Nature Photography:
Heading down mound a
Westerman's Nature Photography:
Etowah River
Westerman's Nature Photography:
Rolling down the river
Westerman's Nature Photography:
Borrow Pits & Defensive Ditch
Westerman's Nature Photography:
Waddle & Daub Hut
Westerman's Nature Photography:
Butterfly Flower
Westerman's Nature Photography:
Georgia marble effigy statues
Westerman's Nature Photography:
Ancient Indian City
Westerman's Nature Photography:
Etowah Indian Mounds
Westerman's Nature Photography:
Etowah Indian Mounds