13strong: Ben in anticipation
13strong: Jimmy in anticipation
13strong: Worship at the altar of Shroom
13strong: Aaah, Bisto...
13strong: Nice green head of foam
13strong: Jimmy steps out
13strong: Ben by night
13strong: That toad is waaay out of his league
13strong: Pioneers
13strong: All-terrain stoner
13strong: Jimmy at the Make Poverty History march
13strong: Kathryn and Tom at the MPH march
13strong: Been there, bought the t-shirt
13strong: The meadows full of people
13strong: Tom does what men in kilts do best
13strong: The AIDs Awareness Eyeball (?)
13strong: White socks and sandals? That's the real outrage
13strong: Crowds march down George IV bridge
13strong: And then down the mound
13strong: Bristo Square is transformed into hippy central
13strong: A Basque and his anarchist girlfriend
13strong: Jimmy and Maria