LadyRaptor: Polar gang greeting (Nobby, Nissan and Pixel)
LadyRaptor: Is there supposed to be a big gap there, guys? (Nissan)
LadyRaptor: Pixel stops the log from rolling about
LadyRaptor: Do you see the problem there, Pixel? (Nobby)
LadyRaptor: I’m not sure it’s level, Pixel (Nobby)
LadyRaptor: Pixel supervises the work closely
LadyRaptor: Polar bear carpentry (Pixel, Nissan and Nobby)
LadyRaptor: Nobby’s panda costume fail
LadyRaptor: Frozen reflection (Nissan)
LadyRaptor: Busy bears (Nissan, Nobby and Pixel)
LadyRaptor: Nobby
LadyRaptor: Gotcha, Nissan (Pixel)
LadyRaptor: I will smite you with my freeze ray, Nissan (Pixel)
LadyRaptor: Do Not Disturb (Victor)
LadyRaptor: Nissan’s late for the meeting
LadyRaptor: Nobby working on his latest project
LadyRaptor: Can’t you see I’m busy? (Nobby)
LadyRaptor: Come on guys, we’ve got work to do (Nobby)
LadyRaptor: Mega-Pixel attack!
LadyRaptor: Nissan is no match for Mega-Pixel 😂
LadyRaptor: I think Nobby’s ready for a break, Pixel (Nissan)
LadyRaptor: Nobby ❤
LadyRaptor: The Three Bears (Nobby, Pixel and Nissan)
LadyRaptor: Take that, Pixel!
LadyRaptor: Nobby and Pixel